

Wonderful languages doesn’t control the money, we don’t take a commission from teachers, and there is no lock in, you can link to your own website and social media accounts, this allows teachers to market their own business through our site. You invoice the students outside of our site.

Here are a few safety tips

Students, when arranging a lesson. Only pay for one lesson at a time.

Teachers, don’t do lots of lessons in a row for a student and then ask for payment at the end of the course. Only do one lesson at a time.

Students and teachers can rate each other on our site based on how the lesson went for teacher and student and also on how the payment transaction went.

As a suggestion you may wish to use apps like Paypal to make a payment. Paypal offers buyer and seller protection. You can use the agreement you set up on this site as proof of what you asked for, i.e. what kind of lesson you requested. If you email us we will validate this with an email to you.

As a suggestion you may wish to record your lessons, this can help your students to review your lesson afterwards, it allows you to review your teaching quality and make any changes and improvements to your teaching method if necessary. Furthermore it can be used to present your case to Paypal or similar apps if you feel you did not receive the lesson that you requested. It also protects teachers and students to keep a record of your lessons.

Don’t share your credit card details with anyone. Or your bank details.

When signing up please use non critical email addresses, and please use different passwords on all your accounts.

When choosing a password please try to think of something fairly long like a sentence that only you know. Please try to use Upper Case and Lower Case letters, please use numbers and special characters.

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