How it Works

How it works

Hi welcome to Wonderful Languages. Wonderful Languages is an online language learning community where students can create and request their own lessons and teachers can work commission free.

Students can contact teachers directly via the teachers own website link or wait for teachers to contact them after they have created a lesson.

Students and teachers can find each other based on shared interests.

Students can rate teachers and teachers can rate students to create a trusted community of language learners and teachers.

Teachers can allow students to contact them direct via their own website link or if they prefer they can wait for students to request lessons from them.

There’s no lock in, you can connect to your own website and social media accounts and we don’t control the money. You control the invoicing of students outside the site via your PayPal or other methods of transferring money so there is no commission to pay.

Promote your personal online teaching services on Wonderful Languages.

Step 1 Sign up for a free account.

Step 2 Create a profile to advertise your services and set your price.

Step 3 Wait for students to contact you or contact students who are requesting lessons.

Step 4 Agree on a lesson to teach.

Set a time and place.

Step 5 Teach the lesson.

Step 6 Invoice the student.

Step 7 Get paid.

You may wish to use apps like, Skype, Zoom, WeChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, Brave Talk, you may wish arrange payment through Paypal, WeChatPay, AliPay, Applepay, Kakaopay, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin, cheque, cash, or any other payment method you desire.

For Students.

Step 1 Sign up for a free account.

Step 2 Create a profile to create lessons, and wait for teachers to contact you. Or search for a teacher and contact them through their profile, usually by linking to their own personal website or social media account.

Step 3 Agree on what kind of lesson and the meeting time.

Step 4 Attend the lesson.

Step 5 Your teacher will invoice you for the lesson. Pay your teacher directly for the lesson.

For both Teachers and Students

Both teachers and students will review each other after the lesson has been completed, including introductory lessons.

Please leave reviews based on whether the student paid on time and whether the teacher did the lesson at the agreed time.

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