1: Can I contact students and teachers through their social media and chat apps like Skype, Wechat, Whatsapp, Line, Kakaotalk etc?

Yes, we don’t keep you locked in to our site.

2. Do I have to pay a commision?

No there is no commission to pay.

3: Which apps should I use to call my teacher/student on?

You can use any communication app, we suggest you use apps like Skype, WeChat, Whatsapp, Line, KakaoTalk, Telegram, Brave talk, because they are quite popular and people are familiar with them, or any other app that you would prefer to use. You can also meet up face to face, offline if you prefer, or the telephone.

4: How do I get paid? How do I pay my teacher?

We don’t control the money. As a suggestion you may also wish to use an app such as Paypal, to invoice your student after the lesson, (only do one lesson at a time and then request payment). Please pay your teacher after each lesson. Paypal offers buyer and seller protection for services, please check their website to see if paypal offers this service in your country. We don’t recommend selling or purchasing large bulk packages of lessons on Wonderfullanguages.com. Other apps that you may like to use amongst others are Stripe, Wechat pay, Skype, you may wish to use cash, or pay by any of the many cryptocurrencies if you prefer such as Bitcoin, Etherium, Monero or any other cryptocurrency that you prefer.

Can I do free lessons?

Yes, you can, people often offer free lessons, to help refugees for example and also free trial lessons. It’s up to you how much you charge for your lessons if you want to charge or if you want to volunteer your services. There’s no pressure either way. You may like to do some free lessons and or some paid ones.

5: Why do you need two email addresses?

Please consider giving us two email addresses, this will keep your main email address private, which we will use to contact you on, and a ‘public’ email which is only shared during lessons with your teacher or student, this may also add an extra layer of security for you, so that you don’t share your main email address during lessons and allows you to get the full service that we provide. You can still use our site, without a second email address, but you won’t be able to do things like apply to lessons and accept lessons through the site, or be able create an agreement through the site which may possibly be used as evidence with third party payment apps in case of a dispute, however you can still make a profile and link to your own social media or teaching website or blog even if you don’t use all the services of the site fully.

6: Do I need a HD webcam?

No, you don’t, if you like you can purchase a HD webcam, but it’s not a requirement, in some areas where the internet is slow, it may not be useful because it may make your call impossibly slow.

7: What kind of mic do you recommend?

You can use the built in mic on your computer or phone, you may wish to purchase a Lav mic if you enjoy teaching and decide to teach more often. There is blog post here about Lav mics.

8. What does Create A Lesson mean? Why should I create a lesson?

Create a Lesson is for students, we encourage students to decide how they would like to learn and design their own lessons based on exactly what they want and to learn in a way that they would like to learn. This is so students and teachers can collaborate, the students take an active role in the lesson. The students then receive a lesson that they really want and a teacher knows exactly what to teach because it is a collaborative process.

Do I have to create a lesson?

No, you don’t have to create a lesson if you are a student. Teachers also have their own profiles and create their own lesson ideas and students can contact these teachers directly. This allows students to create and request their own lessons if they wish but also allows teachers to lead also in certain situations.

9. I’m a teacher, can I link to my own website, social media, blog?


10. Can you help me set up my own website?

Yes, we have blog post here on how to set up your own website.

11: How do you teach languages 1-1?

Please see our blog for more information on this.

12: Can I do lessons locally?

Yes, you can. However please read our safety page before you do this. We recommend you do remote lessons and get to know someone first before meeting face to face. You can also pay in cash.

13: How big should my profile picture be?

For best results please upload a jpeg photo dimensions 350 x 350px at 72dpi.

14: How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account by logging in and clicking the delete button on your dashboard.

15: I can’t see my dashboard, how can I find it?

On some browsers and depending on your device you may need to scroll down after clicking on your dashboard or username links.

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